Reality - the ultimate obsession of man
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
What a concept!
-Robin Williams
I have no words for my reality.
-Max Frisch
The word "reality" is also a word,
a word which we must learn to use correctly.
-Niels Bohr
There is a visible reality
and an invisible one.
Both are equally real.
-Toni Carmine Salerno
Human beings are interested in two things.
They are interested in the reality
and interested in telling about it.
-Gertrude Stein
Reality is what is.
-Steven Gray, "Adyashanti"
Everything is real,
so long as you do not take it for more than it is.
-Bernard Bosanquet
Existence is a structural principle of reality.
Nothing is real without having an existence aspect,
a being aspect.
-Haridas Chaudhuri
Everything is a reality of some kind.
-Manly Hall
We live in our description of reality.
-Gregory Bateson
Is there a reality without our projection?
-Carolyn Mary Kleefeld
"Reality" is the temporary resultant 
of continuous struggles
between rival gangs of programmers.
-Robert Anton Wilson 
Repetition is reality,
and it is the seriousness of life.
-Soren Kierkegaard
Reality isn't what it used to be.
-Walter Truett Anderson
Reality is partial to symmetry and slight anachronisms.
-Jorge Luis Borges
I must not look on reality
as being like myself.
-Paul Eluard
Reality is perhaps not at all what I imagine.
Perhaps it doesn't exist, in fact.
Perhaps it only exists as a longing.
-Ingmar Bergman
How can I find anything more fantastic than reality?
-Fyodor Dostoevsky
Reality is rediscovered
as a particular case of the possible.
-Gaston Bachelard
Reality is never 'what we might believe it to be':
it is always what we ought to have thought.
-Gaston Bachelard
The reality we experience in ordinary states of consciousness
is due to the constructive interference of the dynamic phases of 'actions'
associated with each of the indefinite number of coexisting universes.
-Jack Sarfatti and Bob Toben
Most of the images of reality on which we base our actions
are really based on vicarious experience.
-Albert Bandura
The interpretation of our reality through patterns not our own,
serves only to make us ever more unknown,
ever less free, ever more solitary.
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
What our eyes behold may well be the text of life
but one's meditations on the text
and the disclosures on these meditations
are no less a part of the structure of reality.
-Wallace Stevens
Meditation is a much more substantial reality
than what we normally take to be reality.
-Richard Gere
I accept reality
and dare not question it.
-Walt Whitman
We accept reality so readily -
perhaps because we sense nothing is real.
-Jorge Luis Borges
Reality is not limited to the body and mind.
-Jean Klein
Reality is neither a product of the mind
nor the result of a whole train of thoughts.
It just is.
-Jean Klein
Reality is beyond thought.
The only thing that thought can do about reality is postulate it.
It can affirm it, but it can never define it.
-Manly Hall
Your thoughts do not create reality.
They either permit it or they do not.
-Alan Cohen
Your agreement with reality defines your life.
-Steve Maraboli
Face reality as it is,
not as it was or as you wish it to be.
-Jack Welch
Either you deal with what is the reality
or you can be sure the reality is going to deal with you.
-Alex Haley
We can evade reality,
but we cannot evade the consequences
of evading reality.
-Ayn Rand
Bad humor is an evasion of reality;
good humor is an acceptance of it.
-Malcolm Muggeridge
I believe in looking reality straight in the eye
and denying it.
-Garrison Keillor
It is not necessary to deny another's reality
in order to affirm your own.
-Anne Wilson Schaef
It's not denial.
I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Bill Watterson
Realities are versions and everybody is one.
-John Sandbach
No two people have the same reality.
-Gary Zukav
Everyone is entitled
to a reality of their own choosing.
-Richard M. Poniarski
Reality is the other person's idea
of how things should be.
-John M. Shanahan
There are many sides to reality.
Choose the one that's best for you.
-Eugene Ionesco
The people who say you are not facing reality
actually mean that you are not facing their idea of reality.
Reality is above all else a variable.
With a firm enough commitment,
you can sometimes create a reality which did not exist before.
-Margaret Halsey
There is no unique picture of reality.
-Stephen Hawking
Reality is that which satisfies
the vital, essential need of a person or a collectivity.
-Dane Rudhyar
There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything
before admitting its reality.
-Thomas Nagel
We don't live in a world of reality;
we live in a world of perceptions.
-Gerald J. Simmons
The paradox of reality
is that no image is as compelling as the one
which exists only in the mind's eye.
-Shana Alexander
What you see in your mind's eye
is your reality.
-Robert E. Svoboda
You create your reality
according to your beliefs.
-Jane Roberts, "Seth"
What’s real to you
is what you imagine and what you feel.
-Scott Adams
"Reality" is a function of the individual.
It is the result of the specific virtues and limitations
of individual consciousness.
-Heinrich Zimmer
Reality is emotional, intellectual,
psychological and spiritual as well as physical,
but try explaining that to a goldfish.
-Judith Viorst
There is no reality except the one contained within us.
That is why so many people live such an unreal life.
They take images outside them for reality
and never allow the world within to assert itself.
-Hermann Hesse
Reality is not entirely real to me.
-Etty Hillesum
There was reality and there was reality;
and some things were more real than others.
-Neil Gaiman
I enter the world called real
as one enters a mist.
-Julien Green
Reality is a cliche
from which we escape by metaphor.
-Wallace Stevens
There are so many kinds of reality,
and so many secret openings in the walls we think are mute.
-Helene Cixous
Reality however has a sliding floor.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everything you can imagine is real.
-Pablo Picasso
What is reality?
An icicle forming in fire.
Reality is not what it is.
It consists of many realities which it can be made into.
-Wallace Stevens
'Reality' is some kind of ontological silly-putty.
-Robert Anton Wilson
Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot,
you know.
-Alan Watts
Reality is not always probable,
or likely.
-Jorge Luis Borges
I can no longer tell the dream from reality.
Into what world shall I awake,
from this bewildering dream?
-Akazome Emon
Reality can destroy the dream;
why shouldn't the dream destroy reality?
-George Moore
For I see now that I am asleep
that I dream when I am awake.
-Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
-John Lennon
Few people have the imagination for reality.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is no real reality
to a really imagined life any more.
-Gertrude Stein
We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion.
The great task in life is to find reality.
-Iris Murdoch
We live in our fantasies
and endure our realities.
-Robert Anton Wilson
Be it life or death,
we crave only reality.
-Henry David Thoreau
Cannot bear very much reality.
-T. S. Eliot
People want to see the face of reality
with the eyes of illusion.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
We are the ignorance 
which blocks out reality.
-Zen Graffiti
The human mind can bear plenty of reality
but not too much intermittent gloom.
-Margaret Drabble
The highest grade of reality
is only reached by signs.
-Charles Sanders Peirce
Reality is always here.
-A Course in Miracles
Reality is where we are
from moment to moment.
-Robert Linssen
The moment is the sole reality.
-Karl Jaspers
There is just no end to reality.
You can keep going closer to it,
but you never ever come out the other end.
-Joseph Raffael
Reality is an ocean,
but we take it away in teacups.
-Deepak Chopra
Reality is always greater - much greater -
than what we know, than what we can ever say about it.
-Michael Crichton
In order to more fully understand this reality,
we must take into account other dimensions of a broader reality.
-John Archibald Wheeler
The external life
is but the shadow of the inner reality.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Underneath the reality in which we live and have our being,
another altogether different reality lies concealed.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Reality is itself a shadow,
only an appearance accepted by those
whose eyes shun what might lie beyond.
-Louis L'Amour
All this existence which is before us
and which is subject to change and death is not reality;
it cannot be reality;
but we can only see this
when we have acquired some knowledge of reality.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Reality is something you rise above.
-Liza Minnelli
By rising above facts,
we touch reality.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Facts as facts do not always create a spirit of reality,
because reality is a spirit.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
Absolute Spirit
is the fundamental reality.
-Ken Wilber
The genuinely real
is what cannot be thought conceptually.
-Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker
He who confronts the paradoxical
exposes himself to reality.
-Friedrich Durrenmatt
Polarity is the loom
upon which reality is strung.
-Mayan Proverb
Reality is that
against which there are no counter-arguments.
Reality itself is its own evidence.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it,
doesn't go away.
-Philip K. Dick
Reality has no shape or form,
And it leaves no footprints.
-Baekun Gyeonghan
As long as you seek for something,
you will get the shadow of reality and not reality itself.
-Shunryu Suzuki
The region of Reality.
Unchanging principle.
-James Allen
Reality is changeless.
-A Course in Miracles
The test of Reality:
That which never changes.
-Kenneth G. Mills
What is real is not the exterior
but the idea, the essence of things.
-Constantin Brancusi
Reality consists of pure consciousness.
-David Frawley
'Reality' is your ever-present consciousness.
-Wei Wu Wei
Reality is simply the loss of the ego.
-Ramana Maharshi
One's own mind, unwavering, is reality.
No reality is to be found
other than in our hearts and minds.
If you use your mind to study reality,
you won't understand your mind or reality.
If you study reality without using your mind,
you'll understand both.
The One Reality is neither Spirit nor Matter
but both.
-Nilakantha Sri Ram
Reality alone exists - and that we are.
-Wei Wu Wei
He who has found the indwelling Reality of his own being
has found the original and universal Reality.
-James Allen
It is through your own bodies
that reality is perceived.
Now that I've shed my skin completely,
One true reality alone exists.
-Zen Saying
The closer one approaches reality,
the nearer one comes to unity.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
In real existence
there is only unity.
-Djalal ad-Din Rumi
For one who knows Reality,
the whole world is her wealth.
She cannot see anything different
from her own Self.
-Mata Amritanandamayi